ESCO1 Cloud ERP System

Manage your global branches remotely with ESCO1 Cloud software, requiring only an internet connection.

Cloud System.


A program that manages your branches throughout the Kingdom or even the world, and you can work from anywhere, and an internal network is not required, only the Internet.

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System contents
  1. General accounts and cost centers
  2. customers
  3. Sales
  4. Sales men
  5. Purchases
  6. Suppliers
  7. Stores
  8. Personnel
  9. POS
  10. Restaurants and cafes
  11. Mobile application for sales
  12. Mobile application for owners
  13. Mobile application for customers
  14. Recruitment system
  15. Grooming and shaving system


Preparing taxes for customers and suppliers and determining the nature of each of them, whether internal or an imported source or GCC countries, because the system calculates each category in a different way according to the Saudi system.

Secondly, determining the tax rate for each item, as well as the exempted items.

Tax declaration and special examination declaration for sales and purchases.

Tax declaration at the level of the branch or the entire company, as well as examination.

The electronic invoice in its two parts.

Connecting with the Authority.

Do any kind of tax.

Cloud System ESCO1

A more specialized and accurate accounting program that comes to you with a highly efficient technical support plan.

With a fully continuous technical support team throughout official working hours, a team with high software skills and professionalism that trains the relevant department to manage your program with careful follow-up at every step.

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General accounts and cost centers:

  1. Create any number of periods and work smoothly for each period.
  2. Numbering entries and bonds (separate - continuous) at the level of the period or all periods.
  3. Closing monthly or annual periods without the need for us.
  4. My account is compatible with the Authority.
  5. Work on any number of currencies and change their values with each record.
  6. The ability to modify the last digit of the chart of accounts according to the size of your company, the number of your clients, and the size of the chart of accounts.
  7. Infinite number of chart of accounts, main sub-operations.
  8. Distribution centers policy and cost centers.
  9. Make one entry for all the daily movement or one for each document.
  10. First, one entry for the movement (create sales restrictions - create purchases restrictions - create financial movement restrictions - post daily entries - cancel the posting of daily entries) and you can do this on a daily or weekly basis or any period you want to save time and effort.
  11. Make an entry for each document so that the system allows you to create an automatic recode for each daily entry of invoices (sales - purchases - receipt vouchers - exchange vouchers on funds, banks, current accounts, etc.
  12. Create periodic entries.
  13. Periodic inventory and continuous inventory and create their entries with complete professionalism.
  14. Make system settings to control each part and work easily.
  15. Recalculate the cost of the product at the time of import and the subsequent shipping, transportation, customs and other expenses, and upload all expenses restrictions on the product and recalculate the real value of the product.
  16. Work on the financial and documentary system.
  17. Create any number of bank accounts, funds, expenses and current accounts, and make receipt and exchange vouchers for each separately in a professional and elaborate manner..
  18. Huge and detailed reports on the documentary and financial.
  19. Profit and loss reports and also income statement together.
  20. Manage the accounting process automatically by creating, posting and distributing entries to different cost centers.
  21. Managing receipt and exchange vouchers and following them up, whether for banks, treasuries, current accounts, etc.
  22. Obtaining detailed documentary reports and comparing them with accounting reports, as both policies, Mitendi and Mali, work.
  23. A large number of comprehensive and detailed specialized reports for all parts of the program and its outputs, which allows the decision-maker to take the appropriate action at the right time.
  24. Financial movement reports are divided into four sections (account statements - account balances - reports of receipt and exchange vouchers - reports of receipt and exchange vouchers according to currencies First, movement reports First, account statements (funds - banks, current accounts, expenses) in local currency Second, account balances (funds - banks - current accounts - expenses).
  25. General accounts reports and includes three sections (audit reports - final reports - cost center reports) First, the accounts reports, which include (account statement - account movement of account balances - ledger - trial balance - detailed trial balance - trial balance with balances) Secondly, the final accounts include (operation and trading - profits and losses - budget - income statement) and also include (account statement - movement of account balances - ledger - trial balance - detailed trial balance - internal trial balance monitored).

Customers :

  1. E-invoice.
  2. The ability to create patterns of sales invoices subject to pricing policies.
  3. Making invoices at the company or branch level.
  4. Link invoices to one or more stores.
  5. Selection of stores in the same invoice.
  6. Overdraft policy or prohibition.
  7. offer price.
  8. Reservation of goods.
  9. Sales invoices affect stores.
  10. Sales invoices that do not affect stores (service invoices).
  11. Making bills of exchange (secretariats - consignments).
  12. Sales invoices from my warehouse exchange permit.
  13. Sales returns (credit notes).
  14. Sales returns affect stores.
  15. Sales returns that do not affect stores (service bills).
  16. Payment of invoices, multiple sales invoices, cash payments - Visa network, etc.
  17. Additions and discounts on invoices.
  18. The discount is a value or percentage.
  19. Make a discount at the item level and affect the tax.
  20. Using the barcode or by entering and selecting the item or the item number.
  21. Adjust cost on sales invoices.
  22. Sales reports.
  23. The reports contain administrative reports - sales reports.
  24. Administrative reports contain (total sales of branches - net monthly sales of branches - net monthly sales to customers, net monthly sales of delegates).
  25. Sales reports contain (sales and returns reports – invoice sales report – invoice returns report daily sales and returns of items detailed and aggregated – daily sales of items aggregated and detailed – branch sales compiled and detailed – branch sales detailed and aggregated – returns of sales of items compiled and detailed – sales invoices disbursement – reservations report).

Sales men :

  1. commission policies.
  2. Sales commission.
  3. Collection commission.
  4. Divide commissions into segments and percentages for each segment.
  5. Unlimited number of commission policies.
  6. Delegate data.
  7. Define a policy for each delegate.
  8. Define branches for delegates.
  9. Price list for delegates.
  10. Target or target for each delegate.
  11. Commission accrual period.
  12. A special user interface for delegates and linking it to invoices.
  13. Delegates' reports, which contain (sales invoices report - sales returns report - net sales and returns of delegates - sales of delegates of items, compiled and detailed - sales returns of delegates, detailed and aggregated.

Suppliers :

  1. You can manage suppliers professionally.
  2. Choose the local or foreign supplier and calculate the appropriate tax.
  3. QR for suppliers, national address data and tax number.
  4. Automatic linking of suppliers to the chart of accounts.
  5. The possibility of working as a customer and supplier at the same time.
  6. The possibility of making one main supplier and under it are two branches customers, such as the main Othaim and the Othaim sub-Olayya branch, the Othaim branch, the Shafa branch, and so on.
  7. supplier ratings.
  8. suppliers paying party.
  9. supplier activities.
  10. Supplier reports at the company or branch level.
  11. The suppliers' reports contain the following (suppliers' invoices report - suppliers' returns report, net purchases and returns - and detailed - daily returns of items, aggregated and detailed - - debt ages for purchase invoices - supplier account statement - supplier account statement according to currency - suppliers balances.

Purchases :

  1. The possibility of creating invoice patterns for purchases and their returns.
  2. Making purchase invoice patterns at the company or branch level.
  3. Link invoices to one or more stores.
  4. Selection of stores in the same invoice.
  5. Enter the supplier's invoice in the invoice and affect the tax inspection report.
  6. Purchase costs and recalculation of the real product value.
  7. purchase order.
  8. Goodes request.
  9. Purchases invoices affect stores.
  10. Purchase invoices that do not affect stores (service bills).
  11. Invoices for purchases from the permission to add my store.
  12. Purchases Returns (Credit Note).
  13. Purchase returns that do not affect stores (Credit Note).
  14. Payment of invoices, multiple sales invoices, cash payments - Visa network, etc.
  15. Additions and discounts on invoices.
  16. Make a discount at the item level and affect the tax.
  17. The discount is a value or percentage.
  18. Using the barcode or by entering and selecting the item or the item number.
  19. Adjust the cost on purchase invoices.
  20. Purchase reports.
  21. The reports contain administrative reports - purchase reports.
  22. Administrative reports contain (total sales of branches - net monthly purchases of branches - net monthly purchases of suppliers.
  23. Purchases reports contain (purchases and returns reports - invoice purchases report - invoice returns report daily purchases and returns of detailed and aggregate items - daily purchases of items compiled and detailed - purchases of branches compiled and detailed - purchases of branches detailed and aggregate - returns of purchases of items compiled and detailed - disbursement of purchase invoices.

Inventory :

  1. Warehouse withdrawal document.
  2. Warehouse addition document.
  3. Item grouping.
  4. Item separation.
  5. Invoice withdrawal document.
  6. Purchase order addition document.
  7. Purchase return invoice withdrawal document.
  8. Sales return invoice addition document.
  9. Inventory lists.
  10. Inventory reconciliation.
  11. mporting items and inventory balances from Excel.
  12. Inventory valuation using any pricing policy.
  13. First-in, first-out policy.
  14. Periodic and perpetual inventory counts and creating their corresponding entries professionally.
  15. Documentation cycle setup regardless of the nature or size of the business or its branches.
  16. Discounts and additions to all invoices.
  17. Discount policy before or after taxes.
  18. Creating a large and specialized item tree and setting up multiple prices and pricing policies.
  19. Automatic and manual item naming.
  20. Transferring items between different branch or company warehouses or within the same branch.
  21. Approving outgoing and incoming transfers from warehouses.
  22. Linking customers across the entire company and allocating specific customers to specific branches.
  23. Creating special price lists for each branch and pricing policies that allow you to set the selling price for each item in different branches.
  24. Competitor prices and comparisons to facilitate decision-making in sales and competition.
  25. Customizable program screens and the ability to add your own patterns according to the company's needs, allowing flexibility in dealing with all activities.
  26. Import and export policy.
  27. Recalculation of product cost upon import, including shipping, transportation, customs, etc.
  28. Barcode settings and customization.
  29. Barcode printing from multiple locations
  30. Accurate and professional inventory management, including tracking of missing items and replenishing inventory.
  31. Complete management of expiration dates and warnings for items nearing expiration.
  32. Sales and customer management, including sales returns, tracking of customer debts and payments.
  33. Purchasing and supplier management, including purchase returns, tracking of supplier debts and payments.
  34. Accurate tracking of sales representatives' movements and commissions according to company policy.
  35. Inventory reconciliation for each warehouse to determine actual inventory quantities and compare them to book quantities to identify shortages or excess items.
  36. Detailed reports on customers, suppliers, debts, balances, and totals.

Personnel : :

  1. Document warnings for residency permits, passports, and insurance.
  2. Social insurance settings for both Saudis and non-Saudis.
  3. Calculation of monthly, weekly, and yearly working days.
  4. Accurate accounting for salary entitlements and disbursements, including salaries, insurance, annual leave, end of service benefits, and housing allowances.
  5. Linking salaries to bank accounts or financial institutions.
  6. Salary policies for each job category.
  7. Company-wide or branch-specific salary policies.
  8. Basic information for each employee, including departments, areas of work, qualifications, cities, transportation routes, sponsors, nationalities, religions, etc.
  9. Ability to add allowances, deductions, and types of leave.
  10. Employee data and complete CVs for each employee, with data archiving..
  11. Data for employees' dependents.
  12. Employee status definitions (leave, absence, escape, etc.).
  13. Document data and warnings before expiration, and take archival photos of them.
  14. Initial and return-to-work procedures.
  15. Contract terms for each employee.
  16. Salary and wage policies, and definitions of deductions, allowances, and wages.
  17. Contract renewals.
  18. Promotion procedures.
  19. Administrative procedures for employees (leaves, delegation, punishment, rewards, warnings, training courses, transfers, promotions, delegation, and termination of services).
  20. Salaries and wages (employee procedures, absenteeism, employee salaries, settlement of annual leave entitlements, end-of-service benefits, housing allowance disbursements).
  21. Employee finance (employee loans, monthly salary disbursements, annual leave entitlement disbursements, end-of-service benefits disbursements, housing allowance disbursements).
  22. Transactions between departments (transaction forms between departments, procedures for transactions, and transfers from one department to another, and monitoring transactions between departments).
  23. Reports on HR affairs.


It is possible to work online and without internet, and all data can be exported to the server back and forth.
  1. Simplified invoicing according to regulatory requirements.
  2. User definition.
  3. Linking users to cash registers, banks, and warehouses.
  4. Multiple payment methods, such as Visa and others, and allowing users to choose the payment method they want to use, including partial payments in cash or through any other payment method.
  5. Granting admin and supervisor permissions to each branch or sub-branch to close daily transactions.
  6. Ability to close daily transactions at any time and change users.
  7. Ability to use barcodes or work with images (touch) in groups or through search.
  8. Creating groups of items and selecting what appears for each branch and user.
  9. Ability to process returns.
  10. Ability to suspend invoices.
  11. Ability to search for old invoices and reprint them.
  12. Deleting suspended invoices when closing the point of sale for users.
  13. Printer settings according to preference.
  14. Ability to choose the number of printed copies.
  15. Printing a summary when closing the point of sale for each user.
  16. Designing invoices according to preference.
  17. Calculating shortages and overages.
  18. Sending an email in case of a shortage.

Restaurants :

It is possible to work online and without the net, and all data can be exported to the server back and forth
  1. Simplified invoice according to regulatory requirements.
  2. User definition.
  3. Linking users to cash registers, banks, and warehouses.
  4. Multiple payment methods, such as Visa and others, and allowing users to choose the payment method they want to use, including partial payments in cash or through any other payment method.
  5. Granting admin and supervisor permissions to each branch or sub-branch to close daily transactions.
  6. Ability to close daily transactions at any time and change users.
  7. Ability to use barcodes or work with images (touch) in groups or through search.
  8. Creating groups of items and selecting what appears for each branch and user.
  9. Ability to process returns.
  10. Ability to suspend invoices.
  11. Ability to search for old invoices and reprint them.
  12. Deleting suspended invoices when closing the point of sale for users.
  13. Printer settings according to preference.
  14. Ability to choose the number of printed copies.
  15. Printing a summary when closing the point of sale for each user.
  16. Designing invoices according to preference.
  17. Calculating shortages and overages.
  18. Sending an email in case of a shortage.
  19. Printing receipts in each kitchen.
  20. Continuous inventory management.
  21. Division of kitchens.
  22. Division of item groups and linking them according to the kitchen.
  23. Definition of halls.
  24. Definition of table numbers in all halls.
  25. Taking a table out of service for maintenance.
  26. Service providers.
  27. Deleting orders from a table or transferring them to another.
  28. Mobile application for representatives.
  29. Mobile application for employers.
  30. Mobile application for customers.
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